
I was single for years,and I have encountered some people who think that my life was sad just because I was single. But honestly, I’ve encountered so many people who chose to be in a relationship just because they do not want to be alone. They do not want to be labeled as “hopeless”. Sadly, that’s how other people see a single person nowadays hence, some people would even pretend to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend even if they don’t; as if being single is such a crime that you should be ashamed of.

I chose to be single not only because I had a very bad experience in love. I chose it because I do not want to jump from one relationship to another as if a new person or a new relationship will be the remedy to fix me and make me whole.

I’ve seen so many people who get into a relationship just so they’ll have something to brag about. To boost their ego, and to make themselves feel that they are beautiful or handsome. Some people think that being single means you are unattractive.

I chose to be single because I knew I had to build myself first and learn to be happy alone before getting into another relationship. In that way, if ever the next relationship that I would enter in won’t work, I  know how to fix and rebuild myself alone.

I chose to be single because I had to learn that being whole doesn’t come from another individual. I believe that each one of us has an empty space in our heart. And, the truth is no matter how many relationship you would get into, it won’t make you whole; and it won’t fill that empty space in your heart.

I learned that even though you already have a partner that fits you perfectly, that little space still can’t be filled by them. Because the truth is, there is no perfect partner. No one has it 100%. You will still have some fights, petty issues, they may also hurt you (emotionally) sometimes even though they love you. Because again, they are not perfect.

The tiny space in our heart can only be filled by God whether we are in a relationship or not. His love and strength is perfect. And if we are looking for a perfect love, He’s just right beside us. We may not see it, but we can feel it. His grace is sufficient.